Engineering & Technical Stream OBT Program


Today’s students are in a mindset of “I know everything” and Highly Overconfident, many of them lack Character, Concern and Values. Digital Signature is seriously affecting reasoning and Problem-solving Skills. Ready-to-consume attitude has affected Independent Thinking and Common Sense. “Comfort Zone’s” of Institutions have erased Adoptability and today Negotiation Skills have replaced arguments from borrowed ideas of social media influences.

It is common for Institutions to host events purely for publicity. It is matter of concern, some  obliged to unwarranted needs and excess comfort for the student and due to paid fee’s students are in a mindset they have right to all the comforts that are available in this world.

To rise up to these challenges, it is important to introduce outbound Experiential Education and Life-Skills program as a fundamental part of your syllabus. Our New Education Policy – 2020 embraces the importance of outbound learning experiences as mandatory for students but fail to draw a conclusive framework as to what is experiential education with strict Do & Don’t s.

Prepare Your Institution for the Changing Landscape:

The world around us is changing at an unprecedented pace; Technology will reshape over 50% of the skill-set that we consider essential today. The rise of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Synthetic Biotechnology will revolutionize by transforming employment prospects and business acumen. Some careers will fade away, while new and exciting opportunities that do not even exist today will emerge and if we do not equip our students with Courage, Common Sense and Life-Skills, they simply blackout when faced with adversity in Employment or Business Acumen.

To be relevant in Innovative academic domain, It is important for your Institution to adopt for proactive Multi-skilling through outbound Experiential Education and Life-Skills program to retain academic edge, which not only enlighten students, but also change environment of the Institution itself as a harmonious learning hub for Academic’s, Intellect Knowledge & Life-skills.

Institutions choose commercial entities that offer activities which do not aim to develop Character, Values or Life-Skills, these entities allow participant indulging in frolic activity, practice addictions and behave erratic without diligence, which pose a risk to accompanying faculty and institution’s reputation.

We are proud to announce our partnership with Nature Bound Sahyadri Org, whose guiding philosophy aligns perfectly with our vision. Their adventure & challenge-based programs provide transformative experiences that shape young minds with compassion and a sense of social and environmental responsibility. By taking students out of their Comfort Zones, we unlock their true potential and instill lasting values.

The solution is at Nature Bound Sahyadri Org. The Guiding philosophy of Nature Bound Sahyadri is to educate young and adult people into value forming experiences through adventure & challenge, compassion & service and social & environmental responsibility.

A Promise of Growth:

Let’s rise to the challenge together and ensure our students are equipped to excel in the ever-changing world. This is possible only when Institution send students out of their “Comfort Zone; Our time tested Experiential Education and Life-Skills program is dictated by a Global Refund Policy on Course Fee, if desired results are not met for the Institution or participant, the Course Fee will be refunded without deliberation. Join us on this transformative journey, and secure a promising future for your child.


A. “Coordinated Excellence” – (3 to 5 days program) for 1st or 2nd Semester Course Module

The “Coordinated Excellence” course module provides an opportunity for students to improve their academic performance and personal growth by gaining a better understanding of important values and character traits, as well as developing essential skills necessary for future success.

Course Details: “Coordinated Excellence” is a comprehensive course module for 1st or 2nd semester students, aiming to enhance physical and mental fitness, academic and personal development. It is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in disciplinary and interdisciplinary learning, critical thinking, value inculcation and empathy. This course focuses on;

  • Disciplinary & Interdisciplinary Learning
  • Critical Thinking
  • Value Inculcation
  • Empathy

Outcomes: Students will be equipped with essential character traits such as values, integrity and empathy, which will enable them to become responsible, organized and disciplined individuals. Additionally, the program will also focus on developing key skills such as physical fitness, mental stability, teamwork, problem-solving ability, collaboration and critical thinking.


B. “Together V Grow” – ( 3 to 5 days program) for 3rd or 4th Semester Course Module

“Together V Grow” course module is an excellent opportunity for students to enhance their personal and professional development by acquiring essential skills and gaining a better understanding of important values and character traits. The program will prepare them for success in both their academic and professional pursuits by providing them with practical skills and valuable insights.

 Course Details: “Together V Grow” is a dynamic course module focusing on enhancing students’ personal and professional development. The program is designed to cultivate essential skills that are necessary for success in today’s world, including communication, coordination, collaboration, leadership and skilling how to learn and unlearn.

The program is structured around a series of activities that enable students to develop practical, result-oriented skills essential for success. By participating in the program, students will learn how to communicate effectively and collaborate with others to develop their courage, leadership and common sense. This course focuses on;

  • Communication Skills
  • Coordinating & Collaboration Skills
  • Leadership Readiness & Qualities
  • Learning – How to Learn Skills

Outcomes: The course outcomes are significant, as students develop a strong understanding of the importance of leadership, coordination and collaboration, which will make them confident in their teamwork and communication skills. They will also learn how to learn and unlearn, which will allow them to continue to develop their skills throughout their lives.


 C. “Partners in Progress” – (3 to 5 days program) for 5th or 6th Semester Course Module

“Partners in Progress” course module is designed to help students develop inquisitiveness, analytical thinking, creativity and problem-solving skills. In a world where complex problems require innovative solutions, it is important to learn and approach the complex problems and break down the problem into smaller manageable parts, and find innovative solutions using their analytical skills. They become better equipped to face the challenges of the future.

Course Details: “Partners in Progress” course module helps students develop the essential skills required to analyse and transcend obstacles, think creatively, and cultivate a problem-solving approach. In a world where complex problems require innovative solutions, it’s important to equip students with the right tools to tackle the challenges of the future. This course focuses on;

  • Complex Problem Solving
  • Creativity
  • Analytical Thinking or Reasoning
  • Inquisitiveness & Research Skills

OUTCOMES: Students develop the skills that can help them analyse and transcend obstacles, think creatively and approach challenges with an open and curious mindset, cultivate a problem-solving approach. They understand the value of developing creative habits that can benefit their growth and development and become a partner in progress.


D. “Empowered Quest” – (3 to 5 days program) for 7th or 8th Semester Course Module

“Empowered Quest” is a course module aimed to develop the skills and knowledge required for self-sustainability, independent thinking and actions, accountability and environmental conservation. Focus will be to empower students to cultivate practices that promote social harmony, coexistence and global citizenship, while fostering wisdom.

Course Details: “Empowered Quest” course module focuses on developing self-sustainability, independent thinking and actions. Students are introduced to the importance of environmental conservation to learn how to cultivate practices that promote conflict resolution, social harmony and coexistence. The module also emphasizes the importance of global citizenship and wisdom. This course focuses on;

  • Multicultural Competence & Inclusive behavior
  • Autonomy, Responsibility and Accountability
  • Environmental Preservation Awareness
  • Community Engagement & Service Traits

Outcomes: students will be learning about living a sustainable lifestyle and conserving energy and resources. equip them with the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions during crises and natural disasters, encourage responsible behavior that benefits their lives, communities and the world around them, cultivating practices that promote social harmony and coexistence, as well as conflict resolution building strong relationships with others, creating a peaceful and equitable society for preparing them to contribute to positive social change.


Grading evaluation is an important aspect of the Experiential Education Program. Our Grade Evaluation Standards (GES) measure personal traits like Behavior and Character, Knowledge and Creativity, Courage and Leadership, Adaptability and Sustainability, Physical and Psychological Endurance, Hygiene and Environmental Concern and Exceptional Talent or Behavior.

Every successful participant will be issued a Certificate with grades ranging from “A-Positive” (Top) to “F-Negative” (Least). The grading system provides a clear picture on a participant’s ability and areas that need improvement. The feedback will help the Institution to assess strengths and shortfalls and devise the interventions as per need.

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